Saturday 18 December 2010

Rough Treatment

This is a rough treatment, vaguely outlining what will happen in my video as the song progresses. Click the picture to enlarge.

Friday 17 December 2010

Final Idea

I am going to film my video in two parts, with both performance and a narrative parts. This is because I feel it fits with the conventions of music videos as I often see videos with a similar mix of performance and narrative. I also feel from my own personal experience that these types of video's are more enjoyable to watch from a viewers point of view. For the performance side to my video i am going to film a band in a garage. I have chosen this location as i feel it captures the feeling of a 'garage band', which is often associated with artists from the indie genre. I think it encapsulates the feeling that the band are creating homegrown independent music with basic equipment (guitar, drums, bass). The narrative side of my video will be filmed in different locations, in order to fit with the plot of the story. I will film my characters at home first, to establish a relationship between two of them. I will also film some scenes at the local park to further establish the relationship between the characters. The end of the video will show the male character in the clip losing the relationships he had, so i will film him alone to emphasize his loneliness.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Song Lyrics and initial ideas

Bombay Bicycle Club – Magnet

Now its decision time,

Which one will stay which one will say goodbye,

Just my luck to find,

Someone that makes me want to leave her behind.

We took the backseat everyone was happy,

We took the back where everybody left,

We took the back seat everyone was happy.

Now its decision time,

Which one will stay which one will say goodbye?

I’ve woken up in so many rooms,

Sorry that I left so soon I,

Didn’t want to break anybodies mood,

Coz last night you woke me up,

And we almost fell in love,

And then you said,

It is time for bed.

We took the back seat everyone was happy,

You took the back where everybody left,

We took the back seat everyone was happy.

The lyrics to this song initially gave me a number of ideas of what to include in my music video. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to create a video with both narrative and performance visuals, and I will base the narrative around the theme and mood of the lyrics. I feet that the lyrics explain a love story in which a decision will have to be made between two potential partners. I will therefore use this as the basis for my narrative, with a plot showing the troubles and rewards of a typical love story. For my performance side i want to make it look like the band are partaking in a typical practice scenario. I feel that this can be achieved by using a garage as the location for the performance.