Last week i started my filming for my video, and have completed the performance side to it. I booked out a camera from the media department and arranged for a band to cover the song on screen so it synced with the lyrics and music. I decided to film the video in my garage as i wanted to fit with the indie 'garage rock' image. The equipment used was supplied by the band, being a drum kit, 2 guitars, a bass guitar and 3 amps. I spent around 2 hours filming this side, and got an adequate amount of the performance filmed with an intro sequence as well. The only problem I ran into was the constraints of time, as i had a small 2 hour period to get it all done due to my characters having to get back to school. Despite this, I feel I got enough filming to do to cover the whole song with just the narrative side of the video to complete. I have organised for this to be done this coming wednesday, to which I should have completed all of my filming.