Tuesday 12 April 2011


Here is my finished design to my digipak. I chose to keep a link between this and the poster by using a similar colour scheme with the black and white background. I feel that this fits with the lyrics to the song, as they tell a story of love and heartache. The only colours on the digipak were on the actor, to give a sense that the world around him has become bleak and lifeless. I decided to show him alone, to show that whatever plot this song has, it has made the character lonely. On the reverse of the Digipak i put a bar code and the record label logo, as i had seen this on many other digipaks and so wanted to make my own design look more realistic. I also took a picture of a broken drum, to catch the audiences eye and perhaps give off the feeling that the plot to this song had destructive consequences to the characters depicted in my video.

Audience feedback

I asked a few teenagers from my target audience for feedback on my digipak with both what they like and dislike about it.

Ryan: I like the black and white colours that you've used. I think they make the person on the front look upset about something or lonely, as there's noone else in the pictures. Because i know the song, this is quite good as i think the song has kind of a negative vibe in the lyrics.

Greg: I reckon the broken drum looks good, makes you think about the band playing the music instead of just the story that goes with it. Being in a band myself it made me want to see what it's about, and it looks like its been broken by someone which must link in to the storyline.

Chloe: The way the guy on the front, whilst the background is black and white is very good, I like it because it looks like the world around the character is quite dark and sad. If i were to say what you should do different, you should probably have had more going on in the photos, as they're abit vague and could be more eye catching.

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